sobota, 20 listopada 2010

Sea Fishing 2

FLOUNDER (Paralichthys Albigutta) –
Habitat - Widespread, Normally found close to the shore, sometimes within just a couple of feet,
Top Baits - Ragworm, lugworm, peeler crab in spring.

 POLLACK – (Gadus lycostomus)
Habitat – Bigger fish are found out at sea, around wrecks / reefs etc Smaller fish can be caught from pier walls and rocky marks.
Top Baits - Fish, ragworm, peeler crabs. Spinners / Lures also work very well.

GURNARD (Trigla lucerna) -
Habitat - mostly around sandy beaches.
Top Baits - Mackerel Strip, ragworm, lugworm, and peeler crab are all great baits.
WHITING (Merlangius merlangus) -
A member of the Cod Family, Habitat - Shallow beaches with clean sand can be good for Whiting.
Top Baits, Mackerel, lugworm, squid
COALFISH/ COALIE / SAITHE  (Gadus carbonarius)
Habitat –Bigger fish are found out at sea, around wrecks / reefs etc Smaller fish can be caught from pier walls and rocky marks.
Top Baits - Fish, ragworm, peeler crabs.

BALLEN WRASSE -(Labrus bergylta) –
Habitat is widespread in inshore waters amongst weed covered rocks or in pools.
Top Baits Lugworm, ragworm, and also peeler crab in the spring.

COD –  (Gadus heteroglossus) -
Habitat - Widespread, larger fish prefer reefs / wrecks.
Top Baits - Lugworm, squid, Peeler crab. Methods - Long range casting from the shore.
5 BEARDED ROCKLING - (Ciliata mustela)

Habitat - In shallow water usually over sand, and intertidal under rocks.
In very rocky areas the similar species Gaidropsarus mediterraneuscan be found.
Top Baits - Lugworm, Ragworm and small pieces of Peeler crab.
DAB - (Limanda limanda)
DAB Habitat - The Dab can be found on sand / shell grit bottoms
Top Baits - Lugworm, Ragworm, Old  Smelly Lugworm is commonly used.
 Methods - Fishing 3 baits close to the shore

CORKWING WRASSE  - (Crenilabrus melops)
Habitat -The most common intertidal wrasse, found over algae covered rocks, from the mid-tide down to 30m or so.
Often found in tidal pools from the mid-shore down. Young wrasse often encountered in eel-gras;  s beds.

Cuckkoo Wrasse - (Labrus mixtus)
Habitat -  Found in shallow waters over rocky / broken ground.
Feeds on crustaceans, Crab, Limpets, Raazor Fish etc, although females may act
as cleaner fish to other species.

Greater Spotted Dogfish (Scyliorhinus stellaris)

Habitat - Found at depths between 1/2m to at least 125m, although most commonly found at 20/63m.
 Likes a rough or rocky bottom and areas where there is algae covering.

Black SeaBream (Spondyliosoma cantharus)Habitat - This the second commonest member of this family, likely to be encountered in UK waters.
A bottom to lower water shoaling fish, most often associated with rocky/weedy ground, along with reefs and wrecks.

Thornback Ray (Raja clavata)
Habitat - Almost all types of ground from a shallow waters to over 100m, but mainly over sand.
Top Baits -  crustaceans especially crab and small fish such as sandeels, flatfish and mackerel.

Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)

Habitat - Most abundant in cold and temperate shelf waters. Over winter in deep waters and
then migrate shoreward in the spring when the water temperatures reach between 11/14şC.
Mackerel are a schooling fish which feed on small fry of numerous species.                          
Top Baits - Feathers, hokai lures and spinners.                                                                                         

  Garfish (Belone belone)                     

Habitat - Surface dwelling predator, found mainly in the top 20m , although not unknown to frequent deeper depths.
This shelf / oceanic fish, is to be found inshore during the summer months, and may even enter estuaries.
Feeds on a wide range of small fish and fry, such as small sandeels, herring and the like, and is often to be found in large shoals, schooling with mackerel.

Grey Mullet (Chelon labrosus)

Habitat - Coastal inshore waters of estuaries, harbours, sandy bays and are often encountered in
             low salinity environments / lagoons. Found in closely shoaling schools near the surface.
                                                 Top Baits -  Bread.

Tope (Galeorhinus galeus)

Habitat - Found between depths of 2-471m. Both a coastal and offshore species, although
               known to come within the surf-line. Mostly a bottom and mid-water schooling shark.

                                                      Top Baits - Fish eater, mostly Mackerel, Whiting, Pout, and other schooling species.


Starry Smooth Hound (Mustelus asterias)

Habitat - Prefers sandy and gravel bottoms and usually located near the bottom - at depths to 100m and found both inshore and offshore.

                           Top Baits - Crab and fish baits.

Turbot (Psetta maxima)

Habitat - Turbot generally inhabit waters of 20-80 m, on both sandy and rocky ground.

                                                         Top Baits - Lugworm, Ragworm and Crab.

Spotted Ray (Raja montagui)
Habitat - Almost all types of ground from a shallow waters to over 100m, but mainly over sand.
Top Baits -  crustaceans especially crab and small fish such as sandeels, flatfish and mackerel.

Small Eyed Ray (Raja microcellata)Habitat - Almost all types of ground from a shallow waters to over 100m, but mainly over sand.
Top Baits -  crustaceans especially crab and small fish such as sandeels, flatfish and mackerel.


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